Imagination Factory: 52 Weeks-$349
This year-long unit explores the names of Jesus in depth.
Imagination Factory Includes:
The Lab:
Spy Lab- Names of Beginning: The Word, Firstborn, Prophet, Branch
Sound Studio- Psalms: Rock, Redeemer, Chief Cornerstone, Anointed
Slime Lab- Isaiah: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
The Gallery:
Christmas: Horn of Salvation, Immanuel, Savior, Jesus, King of Jews
Jesus’ Life 1: Nazarene, Carpenter, Son of God, Teacher
Jesus’ Life 2: Friend, Son of Man, Servant, Physician
Building Zone: Easter: Son of David, King, Chosen One, The Lamb Of God, Messiah
Acts: Christ, Lord, Holy One, Judge
Revelation: Alpha and Omega, Bridegroom, Lion of Judah, Bright and Morning Star
The Junkyard: I Am Vol 1: I AM, Bread of Life, Light of the World, Door
I AM Vol 2: Resurrection and Life, True Vine, The Way, the Truth and the Life, Good Shepherd
NT Letters: Author and Perfector of Our Faith, Great High Priest, Mediator, Advocate, Indescribable Gift.
