Kaboom! Discovering Who God Is Curriculum $55Kaboom! Discover the attributes of God through simple, science experiments using mostly everyday items and house-hold ingredients. The life of King David and his writing of the Psalms brings a personal perspective to the lesson.
The experiments will captivate the children and capture their attention. You will hear many ooh's and aah's as life long impressions are made. Do not be afraid of the experimental side of this unit- it is fun, easy and extremely memorable. A PowerPoint presentation is provided to complement each lesson.
The lessons are written in such a way that a teacher can pick and choose activities based on the length and structure of the class. Format: CD Rom
Lessons Include:
1. Loving: God Loves You
2. Omniscient: God Knows All About Us
3. Omnipotent: God Is Powerful
4. Sovereign: God Is In Control
5.Omnipresent: God Is Always With Us
6.Holy: God Is Completely Pure
7.Just: God Is Always Fair
8.Immutable: God Never Changes
9. Eternal: God Has No Beginning or End